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Christmas at The Children's Museum M

My son was a little over one when we experienced The Children's Museum of Indianapolis for the first time during the holidays. I remember walking in and seeing the expression on his face as he saw all the decorations and especially the slide. I will replay the excitement and anticipation on his face for that moment in my head for the rest of my life. We were hooked. We got a membership that day and have been regulars at museum events across the board. He is big enough this year to be able to ride on the yule slide and he knows it. We were going to eat lunch with the witches and I told him how the museum will transform for Christmas and there will be a big slide, trees with decorations and lots of lights. He is so excited about it that we have been back since and he asked if we would slide now. The museum is amazing for families and we are giving a membership to my husband's sister, brother in law and two sons for Christmas. Can't wait to go ice fishing with my son, and have him make me some fresh baked pies in the little sized ovens. He felt so accomplished last year when he was able to be a big boy and serve mom and dad something he "made". Sincerely, Excited

Name: Jillian Burton