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Our Discovery

Last year we received a membership as a gift. We came to the museum expecting a good time. It started when we turned the corner and dinosaurs were coming out of the building! My girls were so excited. We entered and started learning stuff before we had even made it to the desk. We searched through the whole museum for tidbits we didn't know. There were dinosaurs, trains, submarines, and Yoda. There were carousels, science experiments, and tunnels. We meet Egyptians, Barbies, and storytellers. We laughed, we learned, we touched everything in the building but our biggest discoveries were our kids. We would have never guessed that our 2 year old would love dinosaurs. We had no idea that our 4 year old would love seeing games we played as children. Our good time at the Children's Museum of Indianapolis turned into a learning experience that we could never imagine and would never trade for a million dollars.

Name: Erin Hanson