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Scrooge's Jolly Journal | Entry #2

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"39776","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","alt":"Scrooge"}}]]Ebenezer Scrooge is at The Children's Museum and he wants to hear your ideas for spreading holiday cheer! Scrooge is now filled with the joy of the season following visits from the three spirits, and he's been tasked with spreading that joy by sharing the lessons he's learned. Families have been sharing their traditions and ways of spreading joy with Scrooge in the Jolly Days exhibit, and he's documented each and every one in his Jolly Journal. We'll continue to share Scrooge's Jolly Journal throughout the season! 

Wednesday, 11th December (continued)

As I continued through my “Jolly” day I discovered more friends from Eastern Hancock School. They were incredibly helpful in sharing with me the wonderful activities they enjoy partaking in during the Holidays. Ashley, John, Myles and Lincoln enjoyed playing games such as “hide and go seek.” Together we enjoyed playing one of my favorite party games. What a treat! When it snows they like to enjoy building Snow Men—something I enjoyed doing as a boy.  They have snow ball fights, and spend time sledding & ice skating. Many years have passed since my childhood holiday seasons. However it seems some of the old traditions are still very much alive and well today.
I came across a dashing young man by the name of Jack, who has a particular affinity for Christmas lights. His family decorates their house during the holiday season using these lights. He also opens a door on calendar each morning in December leading up to Christmas Day. Behind each door there is a picture and a candy treat. Delightful! Jack also has a personal elf called “Cloud” who reports to Santa Claus. It seems that with the ever growing population Santa has tasked his enormous team of elves to assist with the naughty and nice list. These elves are popping up everywhere—quite remarkable!
A young lady in a striking red holiday dress by the name of Marie allowed me some of her time today in the Jolly Days gallery. It seems she has quite a seasonal wardrobe for one so young. Her family was delightful. One of the holiday traditions they share is putting up Christmas lights. I shall have to try this. Previously I had only candles. Now it seems with electricity we are able to have multi-colored lights.How exciting!
[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"39777","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","alt":"Scrooge"}}]]A few acquaintances I met today, Giovanni, Matt, and Nathan from St. Michael's School were extremely enthusiastic about playing in the snow during the holidays. Playing ice hockey and snowball fights are among their favorite things to do. I hear tell that there are even organized indoor snowball fights that occur within the museum walls. I wonder how they are able to maintain a consistent temperature in order to prevent the snow melting.
The illusive Annabel and Abbey were far too interested in playing on the ice castle than talking to an old wretch like me. However their wonderful family did share that they very much enjoy sledding in the snow. Who wouldn’t? 
The fascinating Lucy also enjoys playing in the snow. We enjoyed playing one of my favorite parlour games, and she shared with me that she always leaves something for the Reindeer to eat on Christmas Eve. How thoughtful.
I enjoyed a short game of chess with a gentleman named Vaughn. Only short because I do not excel at this particular game I’m afraid. Vaughn made short work of me it must be said. We did share in a brief rendition of Jingle Bells in which I fared a little better. Thank you for sharing your Holiday traditions with us Vaughn.
I learned something very interesting today. A young lady by the name of Cadence was reading a book in the corner of the Jolly Days gallery. I stopped by to ask what was enthralling her so. She then explained to me that she was reading about the Kwanzaa celebration that occurs this time of year. Celebrating and honoring African heritage in African-American culture, culminating in gift-giving and a feast. It seems rather a young tradition that started in the mid 1960’s. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me Cadence!
Have you seen Scrooge during your visit to the museum? Leave a comment or send us a tweet using the #JollyDays hashtag, and let us know if you passed along the coin that you received from Scrooge.