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Songs of the Children's Museum | This Week's WOW ep. 56

As I'm sure you all know, museums are often filled with creative people. Here at The Children's Museum of Indianapolis it's no different. Today, we introduce you to our Creative Director, Ned Shaw. You may not know his face, but I bet you know his voice! Ned is the voice (and brain!) behind most of the songs in the museum's tv commercials—Songs like the ones played in the Wicked Workshop Haunted House or the LEGO Travel Adventure commercials.

And if you were at Santa's Big Arrival a few weeks ago, you probably sang along to one of his original songs, "12 Days of Jolly Days."

In This Week's WOW, get a sneak peek at his latest jingle. Plus, meet another creative museum staff member who also creates museum-themed songs! Check it out:

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