Satellites: 0 moons

  • Due to Venus' apparent luminosity, especially at night (it is the second brightest celestial object after the moon), it has been known to exist since the beginning of man.

  • Similar to Mercury, Venus was thought to be two seperate objects, and since it is so bright in appearance, it was popularly referred to as the Morning and Evening Star.

  • Venus has been visited by numerous different spacecraft, some of which actually penetrated Venus's thick atmosphere and landed on its surface.

  • Venus is covered in a very thick layer of clouds and gas that actually make the surface hotter than that of Mercury, even though it orbits further away from the Sun.



  • MASS: ≈ 4.868×1024 kg
  • DIAMETER: ≈ 7,520 miles
  • TEMPERATURE: ≈ 865° F (surface)