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New Tradition

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"40154","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"251","height":"142","title":"Museum Fan","alt":"Museum Fan"}}]]My husband and I are first time parents. We have a 17 month old named Braylon. We are anxious to show him the world. What better place to do that than the Largest Children's Museum, The Children's Museum of Indianapolis! This is the first year we've started going to the museum, and we knew right away we needed to be members! Just seeing our son's eyes light up with excitement and wonderment is one of the best things a parent can witness. We can spend ALL day there and just watch him learn and interact with other children. We really enjoyed Halloween there and we are anxiously awaiting Jolly Days so we can experience it together for the first time. I've always had traditions growing up, and I'm looking forward to starting a few of our own! Our son LOVES slides and we can't wait to race down the Yule Slide!

Name: Christina Cassidy