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Mission, Vision, Values

We are on the brink of an exciting time at The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis. With a milestone birthday on the horizon, we've spent a lot of time imagining the next 100 years. The museum has seen significant shifts in culture, focus, and priorities in recent years and we are excited to announce a new Vision, Mission, and Values that reflect the future we are trying to build. These new statements, along with a new strategic plan, will inspire and guide the museum into the next 100 years, and we hope they spark as much excitement for you as they do for our team!

Our Vision

All children are inspired and empowered to realize their potential in the world.

Our Mission

We ignite joy, wonder, and curiosity by creating powerful learning experiences for children and adults.

Our Values

Cultivate Learning.

We inspire memorable learning through the exploration of real objects, immersive environments, and powerful interactions.

Celebrate People.

We celebrate people and commit to equity, accessibility, openness, and inclusion by elevating voices that honor our diverse communities.

Encourage Innovation.

We are relentless in our pursuit of bold innovation to continually engage and delight.

Champion Sustainability.

We foster social, environmental, and economic sustainability through strategic decision‑making.

Lead Globally.

We affirm our responsibility as a leader to positively affect individual hearts and impact global change.

Strategic Goals and Strategies

Grounded in the new mission, this strategic plan is the result of feedback from more than 250 diverse constituents, including neighbors, community leaders, and museum staff, board, and volunteers. The process was designed to include as many voices as possible to help share in and shape our next century together. This strategic plan will be our North Star helping lead us to another 100 years of success and sustainability.

  • Strategy 1: Create awe-inspiring and thoughtfully researched family learning experiences that seamlessly blend authentic stories, real objects, cutting edge technology and environments with powerful interpretation and extraordinary service delivery to meticulously foster curiosity and learning.
  • Strategy 2: Capture and amplify the unique essence and identity of the museum to serve as the foundation for an innovative branding strategy.
  • Strategy 3: Craft inclusive spaces where all individuals, regardless of background or ability, feel represented, welcome, and empowered through a sense of safety and belonging.
  • Strategy 4: Harness the full potential of our resources by strategically expanding, optimizing, and diversifying audiences, unlocking new avenues for growth and sustainability.
  • Strategy 1: Actively seek, listen to, and amplify neighborhood voices and forge deep and collaborative partnerships to create new opportunities and address community needs.
  • Strategy 2: Ensure access and inclusivity by reaching underserved communities and providing enriching experiences for all.
  • Strategy 3: Use the Museum's influential voice in decision-making at the city and state levels, amplifying its impact and advocating for its vital role in the community.
  • Strategy 4: Foster meaningful connections and collaborations with strategic partners, organizations and communities nationally and globally, exchanging knowledge, sharing resources, and promoting cultural exchange. 
  • Strategy 1: Integrate the principles of diversity, equity, access, and inclusion (DEAI) into the fabric of our organizational culture.
  • Strategy 2: Cultivate a culture that empowers staff and volunteers to respectfully challenge the status quo, take risks, make mistakes, be accountable, and act inclusively to contribute to our shared success.
  • Strategy 3: Define resources and communicate clear priorities that align with the desired organizational culture, ensuring that staff and volunteers have the support and a shared understanding to work towards these priorities.
  • Strategy 1: Continue to apply strategic systematic fiscal approaches and procedures that actively support and contribute to the museum's flexibility, sustainability and long-term goal achievement.
  • Strategy 2: Construct a well-rounded earned revenue generation strategy that considers diversification, sustainability, and the mission of the museum.
  • Strategy 3: Ensure long-term financial stability through thoughtful, informed and effective asset management.
  • Strategy 4: Implement a comprehensive infrastructure strategy that encompasses the renovation, modernization, and overall sustainability of the museum. 
  • Strategy 1: Establish a development structure that supports a museum-wide approach to philanthropy, focusing on growth-centered strategies to effectively address the museum's operational, endowment, and capital needs.
  • Strategy 2: Successfully complete a comprehensive centennial campaign.
  • Strategy 3: Expand donor prospects to grow a more racially diverse donor base.
  • Strategy 4: Strategically maximize engagement of the museum’s multigenerational member, volunteer, and donor base.