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Day-Trip Explorers

After a two hour drive to The Children's Museum of Indianapolis, the junior explorers are ready to stretch their legs and minds. The adventure begins as soon as they step into the walkway over the busy street below. "Watch out for the colors at your feet!" they shout to each other. Only their imaginations can predict what might happen if they inadvertantly step onto a forbidden stripe. The two younger explorers watch intently from the safety of their stroller, waiting eagerly for their chance to set their feet (or in the case of the youngest, hands and knees) on the ground.

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"40300","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"350","height":"234","title":"Explorer","alt":"Explorer"}}]]The sunlit entrance brings to mind all the adventures of the past. One explorer, still not sure of how the seasons change, asks "where is the slide?" The oldest guide takes adventage of the opportunity for a quick lesson on how winter turns to spring and how many adventures might be had before it is once again time for the return of Jolly Days. And with that, the exploration begins.

The young explorers are still perfecting their teamwork skills, as evident in the brief squabbles regarding which direction to head in first. The oldest prefers Barbie (even explorers should look fabulous, you know!), but perhaps Science Works would be a compromise - so much there relates to things she has studied in the classroom recently. The second votes for Dinosphere - he has conquered his fear of those prehistoric sounds and is ready to delve into all there is to learn. He knows his guides will read the signs to him if he only asks, and he can find out the answers to all the questions he has come up with since his last visit. The third is eager to visit the horses on the fourth floor. She hopes that she will soon be able to ride on one that jumps into the air! The youngest does not share his opinion, for he is fascinated by everything his eyes can take in. The guides know, though, that he would love to crawl about Playscape and explore things at his level with his unique perspective.

The day is spent moving from one adventure to the next. Each explorer discovers something new and exciting at every stop. The oldest even laments that she is a bit too old for exploring with Dora and Diego, but it does look like SO much fun! The water in the clock keeps moving, though, and soon there is very little time left. There is time only for a brief rest and refreshment before that friendly T-Rex (the guides PROMISE he isn't scary!) waves good-bye. For the littlest explorer, the best discovery has been saved for last...his very first ice cream cone!

Name: Valerie Skiles