Important Note: The Carousel will be closed for annual maintenance Aug. 26–Sept. 27, 2024. Thank you for your patience while we work to preserve this historic collection item.
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Playscape Top 10—Mothers' Rooms

[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"39987","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","alt":"Mothers"}}]]We're highlighting Playscape's top ten features as we prepare for the gallery's grand opening on August 31! But what makes the new Playscape different? Check out the Introduction to Playscape blog post to learn how the re-envisioned space will be just what you’ve been waiting for. Then read on to see what makes the new amenities so special!
You asked for it! The new Playscape has many amenities that will keep everything you need right there in the gallery. There are three private nursing rooms to accommodate families—older siblings included. These Mothers' Rooms each have sliding privacy doors, outlets for pumps, adjustable lighting, puzzles, books, and toys to keep your older children occupied. Each room will also have hot water available for mixing formula and monitors with special health messages and tips from St. Vincent's. Outside of the nursing rooms there is an additional diaper changing area for quick changes.

In addition to the Mothers' Rooms, there are two family restrooms inside the gallery. We know this will be extremely important to parents who are in the midst of potty-training! Now you won't have far to travel when there's a bathroom emergency. Each family restroom will have a regular-sized and child-sized toilet. The family restrooms will also include diaper changing tables. These new amenities will keep you comfortable and help you make the most of your time as you discover the beautiful Playscape gallery together. 

For even more Playscape fun, check out the photos and videos in the Behind the Scenes Playscape Construction blog post!

Playscape is made possible through lead gift support of PNC Foundation, with additional support provided by The Efroymson Family Fund, a CICF Fund, W.B. Fortune, the Joseph F. and G. Marlyne Sexton Family, The Children’s Museum Guild, the Harlan Family Foundation, the Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation, Jane and Steve Marmon, Jerry and Elsie Martin, Randall and Deborah Tobias, and Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St.Vincent.