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[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"40125","attributes":{"class":"media-image","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","title":"Member Stories","alt":"Member Stories"}}]]In the Treasures of the Earth exhibit my son Bode donned his air tank and mask and began to talk in his underwater voice, which is slow, and low, and all of his m's are b's. "C'bon Bob," he said to me as he escorted me to the wooden shipwreck in search of treasure. As adults and children looked on, he swam around and around for an hour on that shipwreck, in his own adventure. He took a short break for me to show him the items that are preserved underwater nearby, and then swam back to his wreck to look for more treasure.

I knew my son loves to be underwater. But this was his first underwater experience outside of a pool, and the experience was real for him as he imagined and swam and talked in his adorable voice. I could clearly see him as an adult, leading a great expedition as an underwater explorer. Thank you to the Children's Museum of Indianapolis for the opportunity my son had in the middle of the Heartland, to explore a shipwreck, breathe under a saltwater sea, and DREAM.

Name: Jill Tucker, member for 1 year