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Take Action to Make WAVEs

In anticipation of the addition of Malala Yousafzai's story to The Power of Children: Making a Difference®, we're challenging you to make a difference in your home, neighborhood, and around the world. This month, we're focusing on the story of Ruby Bridges. We can follow Ruby's example and take action to make WAVEs and change the world.

Ruby’s story

Ruby Bridges was six years old when she changed the world. People threatened her. They intimidated her. Neighbors tried to get in her way. But they couldn’t stop Ruby. She went to school. She got up, went to William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans, Louisiana, and sat in an empty classroom with her teacher—Mrs. Barbara Henry. She did this every day for an entire school year.

And the world changed.

The world changed because of Ruby. The world changed because an ordinary six-year-old girl made an extraordinary choice by going to school every day. She took action. 

Ruby’s story reminds us that even the tiniest action by the youngest children can make a big impact on our communities and our world. You can follow Ruby’s example and take action to make a difference. Our Early Childhood Educators helped come up with a list of some ways you can take action right now to start making WAVEs around you. Some of these ideas are pretty simple. Others are a bit more challenging. All of them can help children (and their grown-ups) take action to make a difference.

Start a book club!

Before we take action, we must educate ourselves on injustice and issues in our community. Take time each week to read a book or article together as a family. You could even choose to read one book an evening! 

We have created several lists that would be good for your book club:

Use literature as a conversation starters and discuss the ways your family can then take action about each issue and topic.

Create a council! 

Gather a group of close friends and families together and create a plan for how you will work together to take action on an important issue close to your heart. Some council member ideas could include: 

  • Activist—use sidewalk chalk to write important messages and spread words of kindness and motivation 
  • News Reporter—create a weekly/monthly newsletter that shares news and up-to-date information on the issue
  • Treasurer—come up with ideas for fundraising 

Take a stance! 

As a family, pick a social justice issue to research and learn more about together. Each family member can write a letter or draw a picture to send to your local representative sharing why this issue is important and why action must take place. Let them know that these issues don’t just affect the present but also impact our future!  

Issues you might consider:

  • Climate justice
  • Racial justice
  • Gun violence 

Clean your community! 

Go on a hike, bike ride, visit a park, or walk around your neighborhood and collect the trash that is polluting your community and harming our ecosystems. 

Volunteer your time!

As a family, pick a local organization that is important to you. Volunteer and take action! 
(Examples being: animal shelter, local food bank, community garden and parks, or children’s hospital.) 

Create your own charity or donation drive! 

As family, select a local organization to donate supplies to. Encourage other in your community to get involve and help you! Create yard signs and flyers, call your neighbors and friends, and ask them to help you gather supplies. Meetup to box the supplies together and educate others on why this cause is close to your heart. 

Take action to make WAVEs

Actions speak loudly. Children and their grown-ups can take action to make WAVEs that will help change the world. 

We would love to see how you're taking action to make WAVEs! Tag us with #atTCM on your favorite social media platform!