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Three Elves Layover at the Children's Museum

Our most recent Christmas memory involved the tree slide, one two year old boy, and a mom (me) 30 weeks pregnant with twins. We had never visited The Children's Museum of Indianapolis over Christmas break and I couldn't have had any idea I would create a memory that is forever burned in my mind. The two year old begged and pleaded for prego mom (me) to make her way up the tree trunk in ScienceWorks! I quickly realized that it would take an act of God for me to maneuver myself through that small, dark tunnel and get all four of us feet first down the slide with kids behind me trying to push their way through. I quickly shouted, "give me some space kids," flipped (or flopped) myself around, and barreled down that slide with all three kids in tow. Needless to say, there was a little munchkin at the bottom of the slide who hadn't yet learned that the bigger someone is, the faster they go. He got plowed but thankfully brushed himself off and went about his merry day. I haven't made my way down the slide since that fateful day but I'm ready to give it a whirl! On the other hand, maybe we'd do better in the wide open space offered by the Yule Slide!

Name: Cindy McAtee