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School Memberships

Unlimited field trips for your entire school!

When you sign up for a school membership, you’re giving your entire school unlimited access to the biggest and best children’s museum in the world! School memberships allow you to pay one fee based on your total school enrollment then visit in-person or take part in virtual programs for the whole year for free! Gain the flexibility to create extraordinary learning experiences for your students tied to Indiana arts, humanities, and STEM standards all year long.

Apply for a School Membership

Ready to spark curiosity, wonder, and joy all year-long? Fill out the school membership application form today.

Annual School Membership Cost

School Enrollment 2024-2025 Price
Up to 100 $520
101-300 $1,040
301-400 $1,690
401-500 $2,470
501-700 $3,380
701-1,000 $4,420

School Membership FAQ

We’re happy to help! If you cannot find the information you want, please contact us at schoolmembership@childrensmuseum.org.

Who is eligible?
School membership is open to all Indiana schools, grades preschool – 12, with at least 20 students. Preschools must have at least 20 students ages 3-5. Day camps, holiday camps, summer camps, group homes, and medical facilities are not eligible. The membership application is subject to review and acceptance.
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