Drum used by Edward Black in the Civil War
Home Memories, Wonders, and Dreams: Stories from 100 Years The Story Vault Drum used by Edward Black in the Civil War

Civil War drum

Drum used by Edward Black in the Civil War
Drum used by Edward Black in the Civil War
Drum used by Edward Black in the Civil War
Drum used by Edward Black in the Civil War

Drum used by Edward Black in the Civil War

Imagine going to war at 8 years old.
Such was the fate of Edward Black who enlisted as a drummer in the 1st Regiment, 21st Indiana Volunteer Infantry in 1861. Carrying this drum, Black became the youngest person in the American Civil War. Drummers were needed to keep soldiers on pace when they marched and to send signals from commanders to troops during battle. Black was discharged after a year of service but reenlisted and served until the end of the war. He was reportedly taken prisoner at the Battle of Baton Rouge and held at Ship Island. He never fully recovered from the injuries and trauma he suffered and died a few years later shortly after his 18th birthday. He is buried close to the museum in Crown Hill Cemetery.
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