'Rocking Beauty' rocking horse
This rocking “horse,” designed by Gloria Caranica, is made from two pieces of curved plywood with a clutch to hold while riding. Although the design is stripped down to simple geometric forms, it provides all the functions (and joy!) of a traditional rocking horse. While children just enjoyed its rocking motion, design experts consider it a tour de force of modernism, and it is represented in the collections of other museums, including the Museum of Modern Art and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. It was made by Creative Playthings in 1967. This company was owned by Frank and Theresa Caplan, who originally donated their entire collection of nearly 50,000 pieces of folk art and childhood artifacts to The Children’s Museum in 1984.
At the time of their gift, Theresa Caplan reflected, “Frank cared deeply about the optimal growth and development of infants and young children and about their enjoyment of life. Frank’s vision; daring, boundless enthusiasm; and playful spirit have left significant imprints. Our gift of American and international folk toys, folk art, and well-designed contemporary playthings to The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis is ongoing, vibrant testimony to his generosity of spirit and dedication to the enrichment of play life and learning of children all over the world.”