Curlicues of colorful glass burst forth from the Lower Level, rising 43 feet through the museum core in one of largest permanent installations by renowned glass artist Dale Chihuly. Fireworks of Glass, completed in 2006, comprises more than 3,200 handblown pieces of glass on the tower, with another 1,600 pieces on the “floating” glass ceiling. No matter the angle or what level you’re on, the piece makes for a breathtaking photo backdrop.
The exhibit is located underneath the Fireworks of Glass sculpture—artist Dale Chihuly's largest permanent installation of blown glass. The 43-foot tall tower is made up of more than 3,200 individually blown pieces of glass. The exhibit's colorful glass ceiling contains 1,600 pieces of glass!
The 43-foot tall tower of colorful blown glass can be seen from every level of the museum.
Build your own beatuiful sculpture with colorful glass-like pieces and create virtual glass art on a computer touch screen.
Gaze up at the magnificent glass ceiling. Look for the different shapes and forms used by Chihuly. How many can you find?
Get ready for your visit by reviewing the sights and sounds you'll experience in Fireworks of Glass.
Artwork © Chihuly Studio. All Rights Reserved.