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Home Experiences Exhibits The Power of Children: Making a Difference

The Power of Children: Making a Difference®


Children have always had the ability to shape history and change the world. Learn the stories of four of those children—Ruby Bridges, Anne Frank, Ryan White, and Malala Yousafzai—and be inspired by how they used their powers and maintained bravery, dignity, and pride in the face of fear, prejudice, and discrimination.

  • Step into re-created, historically accurate environments important to each highlighted child: Anne's annex, Ruby's classroom, Ryan's bedroom, Malala's home 
  • Engage in live theater to fully immerse yourself in their stories
  • Discover ways you and your family can make a difference by taking action

The Power of Children® is recommended for ages 8 and up.

Power of Children's Daily Activities

Sensory information

Get ready for your visit by reviewing the sights and sounds you'll experience in The Power of Children.

Loud Noises
Tactile Opportunity
Low Light

The Power of Children® is made possible by lead gifts from Deborah Simon, Efroymson Family Fund, Chase, National Endowment for the Humanities, Duke Energy Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome P. Martin, U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services, The Cummins Foundation, and The Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. Guided experiences and programs for The Power of Children are sponsored by The Indianapolis Foundation, an affiliate of the Central Indiana Community Foundation.

today at the museum