Resources for Parents During News of Tragic Events

Resources for Parents During News of Tragic Events

February 2022 · Back to stories

War. Violence. Famine. Racism. Pandemic. Natural disaster. 

The list of tragic events goes on and on. The world can be a scary place sometimes, can't it? Whether you've attempted to shelter the children in your life from news of worldwide crises or not, it's likely they've been able to pick up that something worrisome has happened.

What's a parent to do?

We've assembled a list of resources to help guide you as you navigate difficult conversations with your children about scary worldwide events. 

Insights from The Children's Museum staff

Susan Michal, Director of Early Childhood Education at The Children’s Museum, shared a few thoughts about discussing these events and other traumatic events with your children.

Resources from the Peace Learning Center

The Peace Learning Center in Indianapolis has these suggestions for moving forward:

Listen to Kid President

Kid President offers some light-hearted, yet poignant tips about how to make the world a better place. You can start with this video of 20 things we should say more often. If we start here, we'll start changing the world today.

A resource from from PBS Kids

Children are sensitive to how their parents feel. They pick up on parents’ subtle and not-so-subtle cues and can tell when you’re worried—especially during a crisis. As you would expect, PBS Kids provides some great insight into helping your child feel secure in the midst of community or world-wide crisis.

The Power of Children: Making a Difference® at The Children’s Museum

The Power of Children® exhibit tells the story of four children who used their words, action, voice, and education to change the world around them. These blog posts, written for our Year of Action in 2020, share their stories and provide ways you and your children can begin changing the world today.

We also assembled a reading list of children’s books that would be relevant as we pursue a kinder, safer, and more compassionate world.

Children can change the world

We believe in the power of children to help change the world. The Children’s Museum is a place where all children and families can learn from one another—regardless of our differences. The core of our mission at The Children’s Museum is to help transform the lives of children and families. We hope these resources can be a starting point. Let’s partner with our children and help to make the world a better place.

today at the museum