Why Do We Kiss Boo-Boos?

Why Do We Kiss Boo-Boos?

February 2020 · Back to stories

When a young child is injured, say, they stubbed their toe, got a needle prick from the doctor or any other minor pain; they look to their parents for help. That help often comes in the form of an owie kiss. That is, a light kiss on the injury to make the pain go away. Have you ever wondered why this is the response many parents have and why it is so popular? To help solve the mystery of the amazing boo-boo kiss, we turn to our friends at NBC News.

The healing power of a kiss on a bumped forehead or a skinned knee is something that is part make-believe and part reality. No, parents do not have special kisses that can deliver pain-healing medicine. However, there is some truth to the fact that it can help take the pain away. 

Sometimes when we get hurt, it is the shock of the injury that is more traumatic than the actual pain. Wrecking your bike or falling on the sidewalk can be scary and sometimes the response is to cry and focus on the pain. When a parent comes and tells you everything will be okay, that eases the fear and helps calm you down so you can go on with your day.

Young kids may believe in things that aren’t real, like monsters, the tooth fairy, and the Easter bunny. They also can believe that if a parent kisses their injury, it will go away. Why? Because they were told it would go away, and so it does. This is called the placebo effect. It is a fancy way of saying that sometimes believing that something will make you feel better can trick your brain and your body into actually feeling better.

A touch from someone you love, like a parent, can cause your brain to release hormones that are soothing and calming. These have pain-fighting benefits too! So a kiss, a hug or a gentle caress from a parent can slow your heart rate and make you more relaxed. It’s not magic; it’s just placebo and chemistry.

The placebo effect doesn’t work for major injuries. For instance, you can’t trick your body into magically healing a broken arm with a well-placed kiss. But for minor injuries, a trusted parent who is reassuring and comforting to the child can make the tears stop.

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