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Date: No current dates for this event
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Location: Museum-wide, Sunburst Atrium
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My Itinerary

STEM Exploration Day

Discover the girl power that changed science and history forever! Learn from women in various STEM professions including paleontology, chemistry, and engineering. Explore their work with hands-on activities, talks, and demonstrations.

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Programs & Activities

Participating organizations

  • Women in Lilly Discovery and Development (WiLDD) with Eli Lilly and Company
          Create your own binary bracelet and lava lamp.
  • 80 Acres Farms
  • Franklin Pest Solutions
  • Indiana State Police Crime Laboratory
          Examine pieces of evidence to help solve a crime.
  • Society of Women Engineers
  • UIndy Human Identification Center
          Study casts of bones from various animals to learn about different ages and stages of life.
  • City of Indianapolis—Department of Public Works, Engineering
          View a storm drain model and learn how to protect stormwater.
  • IU Astronomy Department
          Examine the patterns of hydrogen, helium, oxygen, and neon and make bracelets with the same patterns as these elements.
  • IU Intelligent Systems Engineering
          Learn how electricity is conducted by experimenting with sensors and circuits.
  • IEEE Women in Engineering
  • Sycamore School
          Participate in more than two dozen activities about mechanics, electricity, sound, optics, and air pressure.
  • American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC)
          Bridge building simulation.
  • The Gurl Code
          Learn about coding and become part of the next generation of female tech leaders.

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All themed days, including Engineers Day, Earth Day Celebration, STEM Exploration Day, and Countdown to Noon are included with museum admission.

Members can participate in all of these events for free!

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Lilly Girls and Young Women in STEM is made possible through lead gift support from Eli Lilly and Company Foundation.

The Visiting Artist Program is a project of the Lechleiter Indiana Visiting Artist Fund with support provided by The White Oak Foundation, Sarah and John Lechleiter.

Free for members or with museum admission

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