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Date: No current dates for this event
Time: No current times for this event
Location: Museum-wide, Sunburst Atrium
Suggested Audience: All ages
Sensory Information: Contains Loud Noises Contains a Tactile Opportunity Contains a Movement Opportunity
My Itinerary

SOLD OUT: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Tickets for our free day are now sold out. Museum members do not need advance tickets.

Celebrate the life, achievements, and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with special programs and musical performances.

Presented by

Live performances

Griot Drum Ensemble Performances
Lilly Theater
11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

Enjoy energetic and engaging percussion music as the Griot Drum Ensemble performs authentic traditional West African and Diaspora drumming.

Activities & Programs

Birthday Card Decorating
10 a.m.–3 p.m.
Decorate birthday cards to be packaged with birthday cake donations. Donations of cake mix, frosting, and candles will be accepted and sent to Mid-North Food Pantry.

Words of Inspiration
12:30 and 2 p.m.
Join Storyteller-in-Residence Portia Sholar Jackson as she leads reflection and discussion of quotes by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Mixed Media with Rebecca Robinson
1 and 2 p.m.
Join Visiting Artist Rebecca Robinson to discover the world of mixed media! Learn about colors, shapes, patterns, and textures to create your masterpiece using canvas, stencils, clip art, and collage.

Participating organizations

  • Herron School of Art and Design
  • IU School of Education

Cake ingredient donations

Every day leading up to our 100th birthday later this year, we're collecting boxes of cake mix, containers of icing, and candles helping to ensurie all kids can experience a “pop” of joy on their birthdays

Supported by

How to attend

Tickets are sold out for this free day.